(click photo for link to event and info.)
POSTFACT productions propell a new excitement into cutting-edge experimental theater in Los Angeles. Their latest play "The Parabox" is a must see for anyone in the area looking to be entertained visually and sonically. (Not to mention... have a laugh, experience well-construed social commentary, and enjoy a glass of free wine.)
There is a sense of well angled minimalism, ala Piet Mondrian, married to a Dr. Seuss-ian symbolic humour. Poetry meanders into dance routines. Slogans blare out of emotional reverie. All the while a classic sense of humour is infused with an allegorical tale.
Rachel Kolar uses a surrogate reality to cleverly express a story line reflecting the human propensity for obsession. Especially our desire to 'escape reality' through media and Television. Through masterful lighting and modest set design we observe a piece which plays like a 'children's book' conceived for adults. A salient theme concerned with human relationship and our addiction to circumvention.
The audience is not walloped by messages or sermons. Instead tickled with comedy and lured into an alternate reality of creative characters and eccentric interaction.
Both Lauren Brown and Rachel Kolar are talented actors & dancers who personify a yin-yang relationship in their work. Definitely keep your eye on this team and their evolving creations. I suggest seeing "The Parabox" for your self, I believe you will not be dissapointed. It plays for 2 more weeks at Son of Semele theater in Silverlake. www.myspace.com/postfactproductions
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